An Initiatory Journey of Masculine Exaltation through Embodied Consciousness and Nature



“I feel humbled and I feel more like a man. I’ve become a man I can trust.”

 – J. (2022 Cohort)

A man’s heart is one of the most precious jewels on the planet: the source of his deepest truth, most potent potential and the power of his divine service to the world.

For centuries, men have been conditioned into a paradigm of false programming which creates a disconnect from the natural world and the power and wisdom held within the throne of his heart. As a result, his life-affirming power to protect, provide, and lead from a place of wholeness, depth, and integrity has been repressed.

Men have also been programmed to carry deep shame about the primal expression of their sexual life-force energy, which severs them from the true strength and power of their warrior hearts. The modern world has taught men to be strong at the cost of their sensitivity; leading to a shut-down of their heart-wisdom and creating a split within the masculine soul. With very few models of what healthy masculine power looks like, it’s very easy to become confused: perpetuating a paradigm of distortion where the full expression of masculine potency is repressed.

As a result of this split and disconnect from the natural world, the true expression of a man’s benevolent power remains unactualised. 

This not only affects men, but when we look out into the world we see a distortion of masculinity wreaking havoc on the whole web of creation. We see a culture split off from and devoid of awareness of the sacred; a world where we’ve normalised the pillaging of Earth’s resources, injustices, genocide, and abuse. We live in grey boxes, confined by rules, regulations, and schedules that have us exiled from the wisdom of the natural world. We’ve become domesticated and conditioned to a life that lacks fulfilling connection, wildness, and relationship with Self, Other, and The Anima Mundi (The Soul of the World), in a way that supports men and the masculine to embody his life-affirming purpose.

When you live like this, life withers.
Yet, deep inside there is a knowing that there is more:

More depth, more truth, more connection, more passion, more purpose.

I’m here to tell you that your knowing is rightful and has a place. 

Watch the Replay:
The Mythical Power of the Sword

Kate speaks about the journey to come and answers your questions ↝




A 12-month Journey to the Core of the Integrated Masculine

By cultivating embodied consciousness and establishing a connection to the natural world, we awaken to the primal wisdom of your deep-rooted essence as man.

Your Masculine Eros in service to your Devotional Heart

“In shedding my inflated ego, I’ve found the strength of the true man, of the me.

I stumbled on my real strength by walking the map of the psyche in an embodied way. The embodiment practices have brought me such joy and all that has been activated will stay with me deep within. The biggest transformation has been about commitment and integrity to my word and to money.”

– E. (2022 Cohort)

Tell-tale signs that this journey could be for you:

↝ You feel like you lack clarity around who you are and what your true purpose is. 

↝ You feel at a loss with relationships: either unable to attract a woman or unable to sustain relationships
that meet you in the depth you know is possible.

↝ You feel lonely and isolated on the inside, leading to silent depression.

↝ You know you’re on a hamster wheel that feels inauthentic to the core of you but you don’t know how to step off it.

↝ You’ve lost the confidence to express yourself in a way that allows you to be deeply seen. You see men expressing themselves unapologetically and shamelessly and you secretly desire to be that confident.

↝ You long to actualise your true potency but have some blocks to claiming it.

↝ You feel disconnected from your body. As a result you are unable to artfully navigate your emotions in a way that opens you to the wisdom that lies there. You might even feel confused and overwhelmed by your emotions.

↝ You’ve lost touch with the potency of your creativity which may result in you working
jobs that feel unfulfilling and demeaning.

↝ You feel heartbreak at the state of the world and you feel powerless to do anything about it.

But it doesn’t need to be like this.


At the beginning I was living with this underlying anger. Now I know what is my power and what isn’t. I understand the way certain things are inside of me.

There is an acceptance of who I am and my own way of doing things

— B. (2022 Cohort)


The primordial force of your masculine heart, hidden within the depths of your sexual and spiritual essence, is the source of a life of fierce depth, life-affirming presence, unwavering consciousness, and meaningful purpose. 

Awakening to the potency of your power as a man is the journey you must take; not just for your own freedom, but for the vitality of the children, the health of the family, life-enhancing relationships with women and the feminine, and a deeply connected embodied relationship with the web of sentient life.

It’s imperative now that we reawaken to the sacredness of the masculine principle and his place within the web of creation. In order to do this, you must unchain yourself from the lifetimes of conditioning that have you caged in a distorted version of masculine power and remember your true blueprint of man. 

Where Presence is your breath

Depth is your devotion

And Connection is your birthright

The journey to reclaim the throne of your masculine heart, Eros and embodied consciousness is the journey you must take if you are to live in alignment with your sex, your heart, your truth, your soul, the feminine, and the whole web of life. 

The Path of the Blazing Deer Heart is a journey to a whole new paradigm of masculinity. 

On this journey, we dare to traverse the border of your everyday reality and wander into the primordial forest of your soul, where your connection to a life of meaning, passion, and purpose awaits. There you’ll awaken to the source of life, reclaim your deep-rooted gifts as man, and awaken the boldest expression of your masculine heart that is longing to pour forth into a world that has lost its way. 

““Connecting with the deeper level of who I am, beyond the conditioning I’ve been told about being a man, has been a really valuable resource.”

– A (2022 Cohort)

“Truth is God. It’s pointless and offending to deny that truth.”

— K (2022 Cohort)

Course Description : Doorway One

Doorway One : Awakening to Lead
Journey into the Foundations of Masculine Embodiment

↠ 12-Month Journey ↞

↠ Online Calls : October 2023 – September 2024 ↞

↠ In-Person Retreat : August 2024 ↞


Elemental Eros : Map of the Psyche : Masculine

We open the doors to these primordial energies through the body, activating within the soul the resources from the 4 directions.

♦  North: Father

♣  East: Warrior

♥  South: Lover

♠  West: Medicine Man

Centre: Whole Man


    • Monthly 2hr Mentorship Call 
      A live mentorship call to support the integration of the Elemental Eros Map

    • Monthly 2hr Movement Practice
      Movement Medicine with Keef Wesolowski Miles

    • Monthly 1.5hr Nature Council
      Live council where you’ll have an opportunity to share your experiences out in the wild with the Elemental Eros Map

    • Monthly 1.25 hr Meditation Class
      Tantric Meditation with Devamurti

    For full list of online calls, click here

    Also included:

    ↝ Elemental Eros Daily Meditations ↜

    ↝ Heart Alchemy Practice ↜

    ↝ Ongoing Peer Support Group ↜

    ↝ Bonus Calls and Talks ↜

    A Life-Changing 5-Day Retreat in Ancient, Mystical Crete

    Food & Accommodation included
    August 2024

    Oneirema Retreat – Crete

    Completely off-grid retreat centre in the mountains.

    A place to unplug, get away from the mundane and move into the magical.
    Here we will ground the online journey in person in land and body.
    It’s the next level activation of your masculine magic.

    Travel is at your own expense.
    Nearest airport : Chania

    “The shift for me, and the magic and mystery of the process, has been through the energetic activations and my embodiment. There is more of a connection, with myself and with the land.

    I’m now living my life from a place of wholeness, instead of brokenness.”

     – K (2022 Cohort)

    Sample Retreat Schedule

    Day 1: Arrival at 2pm
    Retreat begins at 3pm

    Arriving and Orienting:

    ✼ Opening Ceremony
    Connecting to the Land
    Movement Practice
    Embodiment Session

    Day 2: North & East 

    Morning Practice


    Morning Session: 

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery
    ✼  Nature Connection
    Sacred Theatre


    Afternoon Session:

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery
    Nature Connection
    Sacred Theatre


    Evening Session: 

    ✼  Sacred Theatre
    ✼  Embodiment Rituals

    Day 3: East & South

    Morning Practice


    Morning Session: 

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery
    Nature Connection
    Sacred Theatre


    Afternoon Session:

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery
    ✼  Nature Connection
    ✼  Sacred Theatre


    Evening Session:

    ✼  Sacred Theatre
    ✼  Embodiment Rituals

    Day 4: West & Center

    Morning Practice


    Morning Session:

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery
    ✼  Nature Connection
    ✼  Sacred Theatre


    Afternoon Session:

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery
    ✼  Nature Connection
    ✼  Sacred Theatre


    Evening Session:

    ✼  Sacred Theatre
    ✼  Embodiment Rituals

    Day 5: Incorporation

    ✼  Goodbye to the land
    ✼  Closing Ceremony

    Finish with lunch together

    Leaving at 2pm

    “Now I relate to my 24/7 experience differently because I’m in a different mindset. I feel more empowered, I feel more balanced.
    I can now see where I was hiding and keeping myself small.”

     – E. (2022 Cohort)


    12 Months Online + 5 Day Retreat in Crete


    One off Payment : £4,800

    Payment Plan : 12 x £400

    *NB – If there is not a time on the calendar that suits, please email me to find a time.

    There are no refunds

    Please refer to our terms and conditions

    What others are saying.

    Words from past participants of Elemental Eros

    I feel humbled and I feel more like a man.

    I’ve become a man I can trust.”

    Elemental Eros Participant 2023

    “The shift for me, and the magic and mystery of the process, has been through the energetic activations and my embodiment. There is more of a connection, with myself and with the land.

    I’m now living my life from a place of wholeness, instead of brokenness.

    The energies that I’ve activated through the alchemical embodiment practices have allowed me to make this shift.”

    Elemental Eros Participant

    In shedding my inflated ego, I’ve found the strength of the true man, of the me.

    I stumbled on my real strength by walking the map of the psyche in an embodied way. The embodiment practices have brought me such joy and all that has been activated will stay with me deep within. The biggest transformation has been about commitment and integrity to my word and to money.”

    Elemental Eros Participant

    Connecting with the deeper level of who I am, beyond the conditioning I’ve been told about being a man, has been a really valuable resource.”

    Elemental Eros Participant

    “At the beginning I was living with this underlying anger. Now I know what is my power and what isn’t. I understand the way certain things are inside of me.

    There is an acceptance of who I am and my own way of doing things.”

    Elemental Eros Participant

    “Truth is God. It’s pointless and offending to deny that truth.”

    Elemental Eros Participant

    The Process:

    ↝ Schedule a call with Kate Joyner, founder of the Dancing Serpent Mystery School. Together we’ll explore if the journey is right for you. 

    ↝ Choose the payment plan that suits you best.

    ↝ Let the journey commence. Welcome to the community of men awakening to their masculine hearts. You’ll have access to the members area, where you’ll receive each module of Awakening to Lead.

    Live Call Schedule

    Opening Ceremony

    ↝ 17th October 2023 : 5 – 6.30pm UK

    Group Mentorship Call
    with Kate

    Tuesday : 5 – 7pm UK

    ↝ 31st October
    ↝ 28th November

    ↝ 9th January
    ↝ 6th February
    ↝ 5th March
    ↝ 2nd April
    ↝ 30th April
    ↝ 28th May
    ↝ 25th June
    ↝ 24th September

    Nature Council
    with Kate

    Tuesday : 5 – 6.30pm UK

    ↝ 7th November
    ↝ 12th December

    ↝ 23rd January
    ↝ 20th February
    ↝ 19th March
    ↝ 16th April
    ↝ 14th May
    ↝ 11th June
    ↝ 9th July

    Movement Practice
    with Keef

    Tuesday : 5 – 7pm UK

    ↝ 14th November
    ↝ 5th December

    ↝ 16th January
    ↝ 13th February
    ↝ 12th March
    ↝ 9th April
    ↝ 7th May
    ↝ 4th June
    ↝ 2nd July

    Tantric Meditation
    with Devamurti

    Tuesday : 5 – 6.15pm UK

    ↝ 24th October
    ↝ 21st November

    ↝ 30th January
    ↝ 27th February
    ↝ 26th March
    ↝ 23rd April
    ↝ 21st May
    ↝ 18th June