The Inner Sacred Union

March 8, 2024
Kate Joyner

Elemental Eros begins on the 18th of March 2024

 If you’re longing to live in sacred union with yourself, the world, and others, book a call with Kate now to explore if this journey is right for you at this time:


I want to speak to the multi dimensional nature of this. So, all of this is going on inside. Like, this is the kind of inner alchemy as it were. Like, the unification process, the sacred inner union is an alchemical process because as you come into this alignment with your inner world, your feminine, your soul, as you begin to reveal and awaken and come to see and feel and express this deep well of your feminine magic. And you cultivate the consciousness that can deliver that to the world. That is like onboard with you. You’re constantly clearing the wound of separation.

So the multi dimensional nature of sacred union is this connection with your inner soul well, self, feeling, expression, love, comes from this in the source of you, but that source of you, that essence of you, is connected to the essence of the web of life itself.

As you strip down the conditioning and the wound of separation, and the wound of doubt, and childhood survival strategies, and all of those that perpetuated, like, a story, and a narrative, and a version, and an identity of self that is in separation. To come into this union with your own essence, you come to see and feel that this essence… you come to know that this essence is actually rooted in the essence of the world itself, the essence of soul.

So when you come down to your own essence, when you drink from the wellspring of your own essence, your consciousness such as your ego becomes in service to that essence. And so when you’re living from essence, your essence is so deeply tied in and woven by the essence of the world: The Soul of the World itself.

That your breath, your heartbeats, your longing, your love, your expression, your feeling. Once you’ve gone through the inner refinement process, just becomes an expression of life itself. It just becomes an expression of love itself. It’s like the Earth is living through you. It’s like you are so deeply rooted and planted and wired to the fabric of creation itself, that you as a feminine-essenced being, because you’re rooted in, living in essence, your sourced in that Wellspring, you’re sourced in that thread, and then you get to live the love that she is, right?

So the way that love lives through you is very much an embodied experience; an embodied, erotic, alive experience. The way that I see the world is that when we look out into the world, when we look out into nature, if we just look at the matter of nature, take the trees and the river and the grasses and the bees and the flowers.

The matter of nature is inherently erotic. Right?

If you smell the flowers, if you let the air go on your skin, if you take in the colours of the leaves, if you taste the water, the essence of the natural world itself is inherently erotic and so she is this life or she has this abundance of lifeforce that is matter.

And so we welcome that experience of aliveness in our own bodies. And then the intelligence that lives in there, like, you know, when you can go out into nature and there’s an openness as an expansive consciousness is what happens when you’re in the natural world. All of that matter has an intelligence and that intelligence that we receive, hat’s kind of like divine inspiration. It’s kind of like intuition. You can be sitting there and you just receive some insight out of nowhere or suddenly something comes into your awareness. This is the consciousness of the natural world that is available to us when we are fully alive, awake in the fecundity of the natural world in our own bodies. We can receive consciousness which is the consciousness of source, right?

So this unification of the feeling, of the openness, of the Eros, of the body, and the fecundity, and the consciousness that lives within that when we open ourselves and make ourselves available to that we get to rewire our whole psyche, system, nervous system into that kind of multi dimensional love affair with life. That we’re not separate. We’re not. I’m not just a human being that’s living here, and then out there there’s a field and a tree. I’m part of this tapestry. And part of this nature and part of this natural world. When we’re in this tapestry, when we’re woven into this tapestry, we heal that wound of separation that lives very much in our Western psychology. Because we’re not we’re no longer feeling like we’re separate. It’s our trauma, it’s our conditioning. It’s what we’ve been indoctrinated into that has us living in a state of separation, but when we rewire and we come to experience the natural world, in its fecundity and the consciousness that lives there, This in essence is love.

This is the divine erotic love affair of life that is available to us every moment, that our indigenous ancestors knew. They knew how to live with the water and the seasons and the winds and they knew how to live in this web in deep reciprocity, deep love affair, deep embodied relational existence with life and living in that way is the true nature of Eros. It’s the true nature of love to be embedded in the web in that way.

What’s happened to us in the West is we’ve just reduced it down, like all of that magnitude. That magnitude of the love affair with life itself, in our state of separation, it’s become reduced; huge existential expression of existence into this tiny little repressed in our heart locked away, causing us so much pain. Because the depth of that existential yearning is so strong. And then what happens is we look for one person, one poor person that’s going to fulfill that longing. It’s going to fill it, the depth of that existential… like it was that one person who’s got to give me a whole frickin universe otherwise, I’m going to die.
Sound familiar? Somebody’s laughing I can see. I’ve been there, been there.

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