Founded by Kate Joyner

Muse and Priestess

The Dancing Serpent Mystery School

After a lifetime of devotion to the ways of Mystery, Earth, Soul and Eros, Kate’s extraordinary path of Feminine Initiation has brought her to the edge of the long lost mysteries of the wild.

Here Kate serves as a guide to the mysteries of Soul by facilitating the remembrance of the Lost Arts of the Masculine and Feminine and The Quest for Sacred Union. Our modern culture has banished and demonised the primordial power held within our Eros and its creative expression. We are at a time on the planet where this reclamation is not only possible, but necessary.

Kate believes that our creative life force energy, once fully embodied, is the revolutionary force that will change the world. She is devoted to creating alchemical journeys that catalyze the unfurling of the tender and powerful essence of each soul to come forth in service of re-imagining a culture rooted in true love and mythical wildness. 

After life-affirming initiations and apprenticeships worthy of a bona fide Heroine’s Journey, Kate has received the directive to assume the mantle as High Priestess of The Dancing Serpent Mystery School. It’s through this anointing that she lovingly and potently administers the mystical medicine that has arisen from the wellspring of her Soul Essence.


Elisabeth Serra of Authentic Feminine Ecstasy (UK & Spain): after a Yearlong Initiation into the Deep Feminine, Kate underwent further studies spanning over 7 years where she learnt the Tantric Art of the Deep Feminine.

Here, Kate was initiated into the ancient embodied movement practice originating in the Tandava lineage, which she facilitates for awakening women around the world.

Bill Plotkin and The Animas Valley Institute (USA): a 6-year Soul Initiation Apprenticeship in the craft of Nature Based Underworld Guiding. It’s with great honor that Kate serves as part of the Guide Guild for Animas Valley Institute as a Nature Based Soul Initiation Guide.

Kate now leads her own clients and students on initiatory journeys, tracking the deep mytho-erotic essence encoded within the Soul.

Jessica Walker of Laboratorio Escuela (Barcelona): a 3 year full-time intensive immersion into the alchemical realm of somatic theatre making. Here Kate unleashed her artistry as an Actress of Experimental Theatre through this cutting edge methodology for birthing the creator within.

Kate fell in love with the power of the stage as a portal for creational freedom. She now uses this cauldron as a tool with her clients to illuminate the hidden realms of life-force and expression that would otherwise remain imprisoned in silence.

She created a modern day myth telling of the true nature of woman’s menstrual Blood. The Blood Tales has been featured in cities and festivals around the world.

John Wineland : The Art of Sacred Intimacy and Sexual Polarity (USA) : currently in the 2nd year of apprenticeship in the lineage of Sacred Relationship, where the art of Feminine Embodiment and Masculine Embodiment and how the Masculine and Feminine come together to create evolutionary love is the main course of experiential focus.

Kate believes that when we relate from our essence, rather than our ego, we have the potential to birth a new earth, through Sacred Union. 


Kate has also trained as a Gestalt Psychotherapist with Instituto de Gestalt Terapia de Bahia in Brazil and as Shamanic Practitioner with Warrior in the Heart in Glastonbury, UK.

At essence, Kate is an Activist, Artist and Alchemist of Eros. She believes the reclamation of our Earth Eros – our sexual and creative life force – IS the catalyst for our imminent cultural renaissance. She has created The Dancing Serpent Mystery School as a temple for this revolution of individual and collective awakening.

“Kate Joyner is a modern day temple priestess and activist of the ancient ways. You’ll most likely find her dancing in flames while toasting menstrual blood to the Moon. A thunderbolt to the heart, she is a contemporary embodiment of the unspoken and suppressed voices of the wild and divine feminine. Her witchy work is revolutionary — and taboo in just the ways we need in this precarious time of radical change. Her visionary artistries — her poetry, performances, and experiential immersions — disrupt the egocentric, nature-disconnected, dominator worldview, and contribute richly to the building of a Western partnership culture that is ecocentric, soulcentric, and gynocentric.”

~ Bill Plotkin, author of Soulcraft and The Journey of Soul Initiation