Your Contribution to the World

February 12, 2024
Kate Joyner


What are you going to do about the shitshow of the world?

Well, one of my lineages is Bill Plotkin. And he talks about, we can’t save the world, but we all we can do is embody our essence, our soul. And that embodiment is our thread of service within the web. So as long as we are delivering our thread of service within the web, then we are contributing our piece to the to the Great Alignment, but we can’t save the whole world.

And so the mission I guess, is that everybody comes to know that essence, and their soul thread so that when everybody’s doing that, everybody’s contributing from their soul essence, from the identity of their soul, not from the identity of “I’m broken or unworthy,” but of this true soulful essence and then living that into the world. Then more and more people do that, then we create a place where everybody’s contributing to the web, and everybody is living in alignment with that web.

But who knows what’s going to happen to us beloved humans, on this pearl of Earth. Number one, if we’ve got time for that, even. But also like, we can only do what we can do. You know, if the ship’s going to go down, then do it with your essence. Do it from your essence, do it from love. Do whatever you can do, as the ship goes down from love.

Notice the depth of your longing and compassion to do that for the whole world. And then also recognize your human capacity and the way you live your essence and soul into the world is what you can do and that is 1,000% enough. Because everything that you would have had to do to arrive there is like doing the work of 10,000 lifetimes.

But maybe “how am I gonna fix all of this?” is like, “what is my contribution? What is my contribution to this? What’s my contribution, my unique contribution that only I can do that only I can live and always gonna serve?” Even if it’s just like two people, or like 10,000 people, whatever.

Like as we go around your psyche, so you know, we have the ground, we have the fire who’s like, “this is the injustice that I am attuned to, and I’m gonna speak for that injustice.” And then we’re gonna go around to the other ones. And you’re just gonna flourish into the woman that you already are on the underneath, and then you’re gonna find your way and that’s enough.

I mean, that will that desire to work out how to fix everything is just shifting it into: how am I going to contribute? Which is so much more wholesome and healthy and viable and manageable and possible, like how, how is me living out my truth and my artistry in my heart? And my love? How am I going to contribute? I’m saying yes to doing that. And this is my contribution. What is my contribution?

And it might be you know, being a pussy advocate or something, you know, and that’s enough. Like so many people like you can’t… Yeah, that’s more than enough, you know?

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