The Love Body Lab

A Feminine Embodiment Series

A journey from disconnection to connection…

Tap into your deep embodied magic by embracing your true nature as a woman, expand your capacity to feel and express more love, align with the truth that resides in your heart and soul.

↠ Are you ready to embark on a deep journey into feminine embodiment?

↠ To a place where you can feel the feminine as a force or frequency of love in the body and not just hold it as a concept or as something that “gets performed”?

We live in a distorted grid of reality…

If you are anything like the hundreds of women I have worked with on this path, then you have likely felt the call towards a more “feminine” based way of living.

Still in spite of this desire, in your lived experience you may find yourself:

↠ chaotic in your feelings and experience them as something to be controlled rather than tapped into as a creative source;

↠  unable to express yourself in ways that are true to your deep heart, so instead you hide or stay quiet;

↠ craving relationships that nourish and serve you rather than deplete;

↠ cut off from the erotic pulse of life and unsure how to navigate all this longing without overwhelm..

The Doorway to another Dimension

The good news is that I have curated a path for women just like you, to move effortlessly, and in deep connection with other women in community, to finally let go of these old blueprints that no longer serve, and move into a place of:

↠ aliveness and fulfilment – where you feel the radiance of your heart, soul and sex

↠ a deep sense of belonging as a woman to the web of creation

↠ an energetic and embodied sense of the feminine frequency

↠ a deeply rooted trust in self and the universe

↠ the capacity to hold both power and vulnerability as your expand in the realms of your own magic.


Love Body Lab invited me into a deeper claiming of myself, my essence, my pleasure and my body. As I came home to my inner experience, met/transmuted the layers that I moved through, I could drink from the deep well of my being.

Thank you for the guidance that helped me to expand myself into lesser known territory and give me a sense of what is possible so that I may continue to practise with this awareness.” 

Annie – 2024

This feminine embodiment practice is so deceptively simple, yet so deeply and deliciously powerful. I found that it grounds you into your body, the land of your being and it does so using something we so often take for granted…the breath!

Yet the breath is life and it can bring us into the present moment, the one place transformation can occur. This is the beautiful gift of this practice.

Becky - 2024

How do we go there together?

The Love Body Lab is an experience created where you simply get to redefine and hone new standards to live by.

Through the principles of practices of The Love Body Lab, you learn how to:

↠ practise devotion and taste the joy of surrender to love itself

↠ expand your nervous system with ancient feminine practices that soothe and heal

↠ source into a community of women ready to support and uplift you, who will really believe in who you are at your core

↠ step into deep soul-rooted authenticity – you will both know what you want and practise how to ask for it. No more hiding!

↠ practice the art of feminine beauty and reclaim Eros as a source you hold within rather than something you outsource

↠ tap into the divine and truly understand the magnitude of your magic – because it is time to unleash it.

The Online Experience

↠ 6 x 1-Hour Live Modules Online ↞

Engage with the course content from the comfort of your home and from anywhere in the world.
Tuesdays, from 17th September
6 – 7pm UK

↠ 3 x Online Q&A Coaching Sessions↞

Get personalised support from Kate and answers to your questions.
Tuesdays :
24th September, 8th October, 22nd October
5pm UK

The In-Person Experience

↠ 6 x 1-Hour Classes Live in Totnes ↞

Participate in interactive and engaging classes in a supportive community setting.
Wednesdays, from 18th September
6 – 7pm UK

↠ 3 x Online Q&A Coaching Sessions↞

Get personalised support from Kate and answers to your questions.
Tuesdays :
24th September, 8th October, 22nd October
5pm UK

Let’s break it down:

Week 1: The Pleasure of The Breath

↠ Module Focus: Opening to the pleasure of breathing.

↠ Transformation: From feeling disconnected to experiencing life-force and subtle body sensations. This foundational practice opens the way to deeper self-awareness and vitality.

Week 2: Riding Waves of Feeling

↠ Module Focus: Embracing the full spectrum of emotions.

↠ Transformation: From confusion and disconnection to recognising the wisdom and intelligence within your feelings. Open up to the expansive nature of your emotions.

Week 3: Opening the Heart

↠ Module Focus: Cultivating heart-centered awareness.

↠ Transformation: From feeling closed and shut down to experiencing the sensitivity and language of the heart. Learn to see your heart as an ally in your journey.

Week 4: Embodying Longing as a Force of Love

↠ Module Focus: Transforming longing into a guiding force.

↠ Transformation: From trying to get rid of longing to realising it’s a river leading you to love. Understand how your deepest desires align with your destiny.

Week 5: Awakening the Animal Body

↠ Module Focus: Aligning with your instinctual and sensory capacities.

↠ Transformation: From disconnection to a sense of belonging and embeddedness in the web of life. Harness your body’s natural instincts and energies.

Week 6: Delving into Desire

↠ Module Focus: Embracing the dark and earthy aspects of desire.

↠ Transformation: From fear of the shadow side to owning your desire as a potent source of power, creativity, and magic. Explore the realm of the erotic for personal empowerment.

PLUS the Following Bonus

↠ Love Open – Transmission on Heartbreak : An additional pre-recorded session focused on healing and transforming heartbreak.


Questions Women Suited to This Experience Often Ask Me:

What if I can’t make the online session live?

 ↠ There will be a recording. All recordings will be available for 8 weeks past the end date of the course.

Can I attend never having done anything like this before?

 ↠ Yes, whether you are new to feminine embodiment or a seasoned practitioner, you are so welcome.

What happens in a class?

 ↠ During the class we go through a seqeunce that invites breath, sound and movement. All sessions are guided by Kate, supporting you to enter into the flow of your Eros. 

I have some freeze or trauma response – will there be room for this?

 ↠ Yes. We will go at the pace of your own body. No need to override anything. It’s also a healing practice.

Ready to Step Into the Potency of Your Feminine Magic Path?

If you are a full-body yes to this experience. and you feel truly aligned with the principles of letting go into a life fuelled by tenderness, devotion and the erotic as a way to fuel your life and your magic, then I can’t wait to see you inside!

For me, by surrendering to the breath, flowing with it, releasing control and just following it in to the body, down into the darkness, letting it move me rather than my mind, something potent and magical happens.

Yes, stiff joints began to move more freely and my body opened, but this was just the consequence of trapped patterns, stagnant beliefs, emotions and energies being tended, seen, expressed and ‘moved’; of the juicy, passionate and sensual healing powers of this animal body being unlocked and embraced. In essence this practice begins “to let love reach within us where it never has before.” (Meggan Watterson).

I am deeply grateful to Kate for sharing such a transformative practice and for doing so with such grace, love and wisdom. She truly embodies what she teaches which is a rare thing.

Becky - 2024

Love Body Lab invites me into my own erotic love.

Through the container Kate holds, I get to meet my Eros as devotion and as life-force that is both passionate and innocent.

We are working with Eros energetically through breath, movement, Earth connection, through which Kate guides us so skillfully. We go below our brains and into the realm of sensation, pleasure and our wild animal bodies. We embody this internal experience, love in it’s many expressions, and parts of us that have been suppressed so they can come to the surface to be loved and liberated.

This is deeply healing and life-giving work. Thank you.”

Rhiannon - 2024


I feel free, in tune, connected, creative, abundant. This is what being embodied in my orgasmic energy means to me.

As a result, I feel spiritually more enhanced.” 

Anon – 2022