Three Steps to Deeper Love
1 : Know thyself
Our task is to cultivate a container where we are whole enough and rooted enough and rested enough in our nervous system to be able to hold the totality of reality. So we cultivate a vessel where all of life can be experienced.
So sacred love, a sacred union, is only really possible between two people who have really done the work of cultivating a sense of who they are. So part of our developmental mission or task or invitation is to really come to know who we are, like the phrase of Delphi : “Know thyself.” Like that, that ancient Greek phase, it just hits like right into the core of who we are, like : “Know thyself.” And doing your own inner work so that you can know who you are, know what your needs, know what your wants are, know how to communicate, know how to navigate your emotional realm, navigate your triggers, all of these things that make us beautifully relational.
And then when you come together with another being, the possibility of being so rooted in your core that you can like come together with the central desire to amplify in love together, which means that you come together and you meet everything and anything that arises, and you’re so rooted in your knowing of yourself that you can, you can allow that to happen.
2: Cultivate a relationship with your body
What I’m gonna say today is it’s quite paradoxical, because it’s very like I’m transmitting words. Hopefully there’s, you know, you get a felt sense of what I’m what I’m bringing, but I’m speaking through words I’m speaking, and I’m using my own cognition and my own mind and my own logos, and I’m also deeply rooted in this connection that I have through my body. So hopefully you can feel that, but everything that I’m saying, the experience of what I’m saying, only really comes into Revelation when you experience it through the body.
And this is one of the really important pieces of relational work, is in order to cultivate a sacred love, then it’s really, really, really necessary to cultivate this deep relationship with your body. So the cultivation of your vessel, the knowing of yourself, the knowing of your psyche, the knowing of your own internal world, also includes your capacity to become embodied. And this is where, like, I didn’t realise. It’s quite humbling and it’s quite vulnerable to share. But I didn’t realise, like, how disembodied I was in some of the spiritual work that I was doing. It was such a huge awakening in a way of all like a recognition, of like: “Oh, I’m, like, connected in all these ways, but it’s not passing through my body.” like I have this connection, but it’s not rooted in this ground.
So what I’ve come to see, and what I’ve come to know and learn and all of those things, is that how we come into embodied relationship through the body is like it’s a sacred union. Union is only possible when, when two people that are deeply rooted in their body, the tools, the attunement, the sensitivity to what’s going on in our bodies, is what allows us to be in relationship with ourselves, first and foremost, and then allows us to be in the authenticity of love with another, as it’s happening in that moment.
3: Learn to move energy
Mini kind of example. I was just getting warmed up to come to this, to come and, you know, present, and I got onto my mat, and there was tension in my body, there was fear in my body, there was like, oh, you know feeling that. And so I got onto my mat and I sat, and I felt this fear, and I felt what was happening, and I moved. I just began to move my body. And then as I moved my body, the feeling, the feeling of the fear, the feeling of anticipation and whatever else is going on, just started to move. It just started it started to open. And then this fear became aliveness. And then this aliveness became love.
Really simple example, but so often we can be in relationship and things arise. And what happens is it gets stuck in the body. We don’t know how to move it, and so it stays there. And then, if that was a relational moment, for example, and I would been in that amount of fear in my in my body, I would have then created so much distortion in the relational field between the person that I was with because I wasn’t in relationship, I wasn’t able to move and open that fear through my body. And so it’s fundamental, fundamental 101, for sacred relationship, for conscious relationship, for juicy, amazing love that we have this capacity to be in attunement with what’s happening in our body and our feeling emotional realm, and be able to move it, be able to expand our capacity through the body and move our energy and open our nervous system so that, so that love can essentially keep coming through.
Like I really felt it just just now in this practice, is like the fear was such a constriction of love in my body. It was such a holding. It was such a tightening. And then as soon as I began to move, it not as like a cognition about: “Oh, I’m in fear…” but as soon as I think Okay, let’s just move that energy, then the flow of love opened up in my body. And this, this is essentially what allows for a relationship to to move from kind of just the the: “Oh, my pattern’s coming up, and let’s process my pattern, and let’s talk about this and all of those things…” So allowing the flow of love to move through the body, when we have access to that, it’s not that we’re bypassing our humanity. I can still feel my fear and move love through my body in this moment. I can still reveal my heart. It’s like, oh, I’m feeling a lot fear right now, but I can, I’m can be rooted in, in the feeling of love, in, in the flow of love with the fear.