The Fountain of Love

November 4, 2024
Kate Joyner


When we come into alignment with our erotic self, it is (and I’ve been writing quite a bit about this. You might have seen some of my newsletters) but it is about alignment. It’s like, who we are on the inside and who we are on the outside comes into being. So as well, you’re saying: “I’ve got all of this untapped potential…” and we feel, we feel this magnitude and our power of our love that’s on the inside, and we’ve got all of these blocks and all of these kinks because of the imprint we’ve received from culture, and our history, and our ancestral generational imprints, and our own childhood wounding that have kinked our system.

So that life force and that love force that’s on the inside dwells on the underneath, and it’s yearning and longing to come out and be expressed and be shared. And you know, this is our deepest gift as woman, is to be embodied in love force and to share that with the world. There will always be a part of us that will feel unfulfilled if we’re not doing that to the fullest of our capacity.

If we were still living in a way that wasn’t so digital, and the way that the world is… You know, you’d come to the Mystery School and you’d spend the next three years going through your initiation, and we’d be chopping wood and carrying water together. But this is the way that it is in this modern day and age. But I really want you to feel and think of and carry this container as your sacred space, as the temple space, as the place that you come for your initiation and remembrance.

And so it’s kind of like you’re living your ordinary, everyday life, but there’s this conversation that’s going on on the underneath. If you speak to anybody about this, they just say: “Oh, you just need a lover.” But actually it’s a much deeper conversation than that, and so that you have the weaving of this container to keep you in the depth of that conversation. Because it might be about having a lover, but I think you’re tapping into something that…

The the nature of Eros is multi dimensional. It’s wider than just sex and a lover, it’s your relationship to the whole web of life itself. And so when we’re tapped in, in an embodied way, to that place, then you can have a lover, or you can be with your husband, or you can be with your child, or you can be with the shopkeeper or you can be with the plants, so you can be with the ocean, or you can be with the moors or the mountains, and you’re just in the fountain of love itself.

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