Living your Magic – Uniting Masculine and Feminine

July 16, 2024
Kate Joyner

Living your Magic - Uniting Masculine and Feminine

by Kate Joyner


What’s coming to me is the invitation for you to write out, what are your feminine values? What do you value at the level of your feminine? What’s important for you to live in alignment with your feminine? What do you value?

So we have to create the life where that’s possible, and that can be scary, and there is the real financial aspect that we need to… it’s not just willy nilly: “I’m just going to go with the flow and be soft and just give up my job…” You know, you have to dial in the financial. And then obviously, being your own boss, it requires a certain… but then it allows you to have…

So this is where I just get all juicy on this, because it’s like, this is where your masculine and feminine come together.

And this is the work that we’re doing with the masculine. And so you know, you’re seeing the fogginess around the masculine that’s been there because of certain imprints that you’ve had, and then you’re coming into relationship with your feminine. And then part of the work of peeling the layers of the masculine is so that you can come into this inner union where your masculine is totally on board with creating the frame for your feminine to exist in this life. Okay?

So I want to create a life of softness and going with the flow and hearing my intuition, and then your masculine brings that into form of like: “Okay, well, the the structure is that I need to create my own business.” You know, like the Dancing Serpent is completely an expression of my feminine and all of the work that I have to do around it: to create, to be able to deliver my magic, is no joke. So it’s not like I’m just like sitting… I mean, I do sit in the hammock a lot, you know, during my day, but I’m sitting in the hammock dreaming about the Dancing Serpent. You know, what I can do. But it’s my pleasure and it’s my dharma.

If you find yourself in the same position that you were a year ago: what is the piece that you need to align within yourself to be able to take the leap that you know you need to take? And what support do you need in place? Stepping out of the job that doesn’t work for you, so it’s a mix between the action and then also doing your own inner practice that’s going to support you. So to keep meeting the fogginess, meeting the one who’s like: “I’m confused, I don’t know.” And holding her and, you know, moving that energy within your self so you can keep breaking out… If this is your desire. I mean, I believe you desire to live a life that’s aligned with the truth of your soul, but if it’s not, then you you can just keep going in your job.

What other support do you need to call in as well? Like, you know, it’s not a small thing, doing your own thing, and it’s how we get to live in our magic.

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