Mending the Mother Line

July 9, 2024
Kate Joyner


It does happen, it’s frequent that the mother comes as, you know, our mothers can come as a negative mother. And then it’s just looking at the ways in which you’ve internalized your mother. And this happens. This happens, nobody’s escaping this one! It might be really subtle and it might be really unconscious, because it’s so much easier to be in the rejection of the mother, especially if we’ve had difficult relationships with our mother. We reject our mother, because it’s so painful. It’s very easy to then put it all onto the mother, and then have a disconnect about how this is actually playing out in our own psyche. So the task then, is to differentiate between: “Okay, that’s my mother. But how have I internalized these, these narratives? (of living in isolation, of, you know, living hunched, all of these things) and separate out, okay, that’s my mother, and these are the ways in which I’ve internalized it.

So it might not be necessarily where you identify, but we all have this inner critic, especially towards our feminine nature. So you might be looking at like how the imprint that you receive from your mother, you’ve internalized towards your own inner feminine so:

Is it safe to be sensual?
Is it safe to be sexual?
Is it safe to be in your pleasure, in your wildness?
Is it acceptable, or has this negative mother aspect of your psyche, not your mother, but has she got something to say about it?
Is she critical?
Is she saying don’t show your breasts?

You know, how is this one playing out in your psyche in relationship to your feminine?

Which the relationship with the mother is the first port of call. So if it was like, if there wasn’t even any feminine within the relationship with mother, then it can be even harder to access this one, because it can be like, it’s just the norm that the feminine is just not online. So it’s like actually digging a little bit deeper, and like, actually, I’ve internalized that it’s not okay to be vulnerable because no one’s going to be there for me because I’m not lovable. And so it’s like a blanket of even just accessing that that space, because of the relationship with the mother, has completely diminished our relationship to our own inner feminine.

So in this aspect, what we’re really hunting for is the generational, in a way we could say, like, curse that’s been passed down through the lineage. This is what my lineage carries, in relationship to my feminine, in relationship to the feminine. This is the message. This is the programming. This is the archaic story that inhibits and suppresses and oppresses my feminine, and it comes through in this aspect of the psyche that tells me all of these narratives about why I can’t be unapologetically in my feminine why I can’t be in deep, fulfilling relationship, why I can’t be like, fully in love, fully embodied, all of these things. How like, what’s the internalization of that lineage, of that curse?

It can be a curse, you know, it’s trauma that’s been passed down through each of our lineages with the mother line, that comes out in this aspect that’s a part of my psyche that’s nothing to do with my mother or her story, but it’s just the way that I’ve internalized. This inheritance of how I’m in relationship with the feminine within myself and within the world.

You can even look at it now like, what judgments do I have about the feminine? She’s weak? She’s just gonna get trampled on. You know, do I have to, like, protect her, because some man might come along and take advantage of her? What are the narratives I have put on a wall against my own heart and my own vulnerability that doesn’t let anybody in or, close or even locks up me from, like, really revealing who I am or what my heart’s deepest desires are?


1 – 14 July 2024

To dive deep into the Feminine Mysteries

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