Through my years of under-worldly exploration into the realm of Psyche, Earth and Soul, I’ve been shepherded all the way back to the primordial sagacity that Eros is the frequency of Earth. It is this harmonic tone of creation that calls to me, night after night, lulling me into Remembrance.
Eros, the frequency of Earth, has blessed and burdened me with an ancient calling: to re-awaken the sacred elixir of creation. A mission I devotionally give myself to because EROS is in service to LIFE, as we all must now be.
I am calling out to and gathering the Earth Lovers, the ones who carry the ache of True Love’s Union, the Sacred Maidens of the Wild, so that we can carve the romance of remembrance back into our ways, as an ancient form of activism for our times.
For me, EROS is beyond a mere feeling of Love. Eros is LOVE EMBODIED. This wild earth shaking force of creation that stirs from the deep well of our Soul when we lean into our unabashed longing to be at one with the fullness of existence.
By allowing the truth of what we deeply long for to have its way with us, we are taken in a rapturous love affair with the wild world and plummeted deeper into ourselves and the true nature of reality.
Enlivened by the freedom to reclaim the inconvenient demands of our wants, needs and longings, we are seized in a state of persistent insistence and taken to the reckoning of our existential edge. When we embrace such troubles as if they are trying to hot iron weld us into a mysterious encounter with an ‘other’ that will deliver us unto ourselves, we are taken beyond ourselves, and thus forged by creation.
By embracing Eros we awaken our innate human capacity to sense, feel, imagine and be danced by the erotic ecology of the wild. We become attuned to a frequency that aligns us with the co-creational impulse of the natural world. If we submit to this dance we become The Bride of a devotional love affair with Life. We are taken in Sacred Union with Soul and Earth.
When we tap into the source of EROS within and with the wild world, it’s like tapping into a never ending fountain of ravishment. A wellspring of love and devotion that never dries. A love that’s not dependent on other but can be shared with all. Sourced in our own magic to create in alignment with the pulse of Earth’s pounding beat, we offer our overflowing chalices to the world with elated worship.
And as we dance in wild abandon with the co-creational web of existence, we realise that we are an intricately designed part of Earth’s Dream and we go about enacting impossible tasks, (like diverting climate catastrophe) with the droplets of the innocence of our love, creating ripples in our collective wasteland.
Never underestimate the power of your love in times like ours. It’s the force that can change everything.