The Thing We Get Wrong About Polarity
So I feel like polarity teachings and polarity concepts and theories get thrown around the internet and they get misconstrued without really understanding what they’re truly about. And one of the things that I see that is a big faux-pas that has people living out polarity teachings in total distortion is that they, the teachings themselves, the concepts themselves, are rooted in the intelligence of the natural world. They’re rooted in the poetry of earth and sky, and unless our consciousness is wired to embrace that totality, that reality, then we’re going to be living in the distortion of polarity teaching. We’re going to be fawning, and we’re going to be putting on… like pretending to be something that we’re deeply not. It’s going to be like surface level performance expression of polarity, which is a complete disservice and a complete distortion.
So really, true polarity teachings, they’re a deep, embodied rewiring, a coming home, coming back into the essential essence of your instinctual soul. Reinstating, touching upon the primordial knowing of your heart and your Eros and allowing that which is primal, which is timeless, which is effortless… creation unfolding in your own being. Yourself to be, like, shape-shifted and infused with this magic. And when you do that, you come into alignment with your own essence, you come into alignment with your own soul, and then living and experiencing polarity with another just becomes this natural, organic expression. And so you’re not trying to perform anything, you’re not trying to do anything. It’s just allowing yourself to fall into what is already there.
And this takes practice. It takes a container of practice. It takes devotion to rewiring your habitual responses, your nervous system responses, your consciousness, your heart into the fabric of life itself, so that you can experience the gushing, flowing river all the way back to the ocean as an expression of love in your body as a human, you’re rewiring into the sacred imprints of what’s already available to us in the natural world.