Resourcing in the Field of Love

December 27, 2023
Kate Joyner

Resourcing in the Field of Love

by Kate Joyner


Like the point isn’t to get lost in the feelings or get lost in the wound or get lost in the overwhelm like the point is the resourcing. And the resourcing allows us to meet what we need to feel in order to really come in into, you know, having… Like what I say when we get to the retreat is like we’re forging our vessels. This is what we’re doing, forging our vessels so that we can contain love. And if we’ve got a cracked vessel, which, everybody in this world has a cracked vessel because we’ve been wounded. So love comes in and it just leaks out because we don’t believe we’re worthy. We don’t believe we’re good enough, like we feel shame, guilt… And so we just go around like with a leaky empty cup, because because we’ve got a cracked vessel.

So the task is forging our vessel, and that forging our vessel is us resourcing ourselves. And so, the access to all of the resources that we’re going to be awakening over these next months, and you making it, you ushering those memories of wholeness from the wild world that are primordial memories that exist within the web of creation, that exist within the matrix, into your consciousness, into your psyche; becoming embodied in them is what creates your vessel. And then that vessel that holds the resource of your whole vessel is what’s gonna give you the capacity to allow these feelings in that, allow these emotions, allow this stripping, allow these disillusion of the childhood strategies, to see deeper into your true nature, to see deeper, come home deeper into your essence. Because you’ve got a whole vessel. We’ve awoken one aspect of your vessel which is a primary, like, foundation piece of all of the other pieces.

And so as you’re traversing the wounded child it’s like, also dialling in the mother. And that’s the beauty of it as well because as you’re meeting with your child, you have to meet the mother, or you have to dial them in, you’re… Just in the relational interchange, like, the mother amplifies. And like after the practice I feel in peace. She’s used that love to, to to to meet that wounded place. And so then the system regulates and you fill inner peace until that comes up again, then you need to go and do it again, and you need to… And then in the beginning it’s like that intensity, but because you know this about yourself, you’ve had this experience of being overwhelmed in the past, like, the titration is going to be really important. And your muscle of the mother is going to be really important. So before you go into the Wounded Child, just take your time, like, getting into getting into that field and building your, you know, have a conversation with the archetypal mother and just be like… I really want you to kind of like make offerings to her, make an altar, like, feel your space if there’s, like, nourishment and beauty. Maybe there’s a blanket or shawl or, like, something that you wear, you know, you know, so go and, like, go out into nature again and just find the mother that feels nourishing, feels like she’s with you, even if it’s just, like, you sit at the base of the tree and just let yourself be held. And this is you know, it’s going to be an ongoing conversation because this is such a crucial part of the journey. But yeah, like having the resources is the focus in essentially.

What I’m hearing is like you’re… it’s like that strategy, that defence strategy blaming everyone else and, like, everything’s a mirror, it’s like there’s a way in which that’s a beautiful turning point in the journey and this realisation in nature that… it’s like taking responsibility of like, the, the way like we create the conditions within which we live based on our stuff. You know, it’s like there’s something in you that wants to be, something needs to be healed by giving yourself to this role. And if you can, and you might be able to heal that in the situation, but it also might be that the healing comes from not being in the situation. This “I can’t keep giving myself to a situation that’s overwhelming my system and it’s abusive.” Or, you know, like that is taking me into these, this area of abuse and actually the way that I feel that is by myself. Or it might be that you find healing within the within the job or within the situation. Maybe doing this is part of that alignment as well because it’s bringing you like closer to your core essence and your core self and the core, like, who you are: the truth of you not the world that we…

We create, like, our reality based on our wound-based belief systems. Until we awaken from that and we, you know, we’re not our shame-based story essentially, to build a new story and then we can create a life from the new story. And not only a life but a world. So the way that we meet this shame-based story is by doing the heart alchemy, and having the resources to to meet that, you know, that story that lives in there.  We can’t create a new reality or new story by bypassing it: “Oh, you know what, I’m just going to create…” you know, because that’s just like… We have to meet our humanity and our wounds and love it so hard that through that love something else emerges. That’s, you know, that’s the great I’m gonna go off on one, but that’s the great healer is like the field of love. It’s like all our resources are like these memories, we’re going to be awakening and ushering in. That’s the field of love. And when we move from that, like, that field of love, it’s like that’s the most powerful force that there is on the planet, but we’ve just been separated from it. So we’re just rewiring and we’re just coming back into relationship and we’re just allowing that memory. That’s something and over time and over time, and over time, we’re just rewiring and it’s really that it’s like a tuning to that field, that flow of love which is existence itself.

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