Shifting your Identity – from Separation to Union

February 5, 2024
Kate Joyner

Shifting your Identity - from Separation to Union

by Kate Joyner


I’m part of this web I’m part of this ocean.

And so that in itself is gonna allow for a huge identity shift in its own level because your psyche and your system is going to be receiving just a different sense of belonging, right? It’s shifting from division, or isolation, or separation to Union essentially with the Earth. It’s massive.

And then also the capacity to open to the consciousness of the web. So for me, I experience it in the way that the earth is matter, right? She’s the senses. She’s smelling. She’s the licking, she’s the tasting. She’s the pleasure in the body, she’s sensual. She’s aliveness, the vitality. There’s just like the fecund gifts of abundance of water and air and earth and heat that we experience. So all of these really tactile erotic experiences of Earth.

And then consciousness is like the God consciousness. Everything I just described. Earth is like tapping us into the Goddess Consciousness. So The Goddess, you know, she’s just giving in her abundance and her beauty because she’s full of all of this life in the body, like experiencing it. And then when we open the portal to consciousness of that web, you know, that’s when we get the downloads of like the sky and you know, how the trees you know…

And so that fusion is you’re tapping into source, you’re tapping into source energy. So you get the experience of source energy and as you get that experience as source energy, then your whole system as a human being rewires to remember your original design, which is we’re all fucking part source. We all come from source, we are all going back to source. The human prison separates us from that and has us living in a state of separation, which is dull, and suffering, and pain, and all of those things. We can’t bypass any of that. And we shouldn’t want to because there’s so much wisdom in that. But it’s like, when we tap into source we can come into relationship with that in a much different way where it’s not our identity. It’s just part of the ancestral generational trauma that we have to (for some reason for some design that’s unknowable) we have to experience on the on the quest to coming home to the beloved essentially. Which is like the coming home to the love, is like knowing that you’re loved, you belong in the love. You are the love. You belong.

So yeah, I mean, that’s what I’m hearing opening up in your stories is just like this access point. And the shift of identity that’s possible there and then everything that can come into alignment when you’re living from that place.

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