Elemental Eros : For Women

A Primordial Journey of Deep Feminine Initiation Through Nature and Body

For women who want to remember their roots, then walk as the wild force of nature that they are

Welcome to Elemental Eros

We will gather for:

+ 9 Live Mentorship Calls
+ 9 Live Nature Council Calls
+ Opening Ceremony
+ Weekly Love Body Lab
+ Monthly Heart Alchemy

+ 5-day life-changing Retreat  

This journey is for the brave and courageous women who are longing to remember the wellspring of the feminine wild stored within the marrow of their bones: Eros.

Within the feminine soul there exists a longing. A longing to be wild, free from the restraints of a system that at its roots, is anti-life. A longing to run free and express with wild abandon everything that she has on the inside.

Elemental Eros will take you on a journey into the wild force of your embodied love.

The Elemental Eros Design

During The Journey of Elemental Eros we will engage with Nature Based and Deep Feminine practice that will allow you to cultivate an embodied memory of Eros in every cell of your Soul.

This is an experiential journey. Your path will be forged by walking it.

Your deep immersion into the natural world will open doorways you never knew possible. As you journey you will:

↝ Cultivate wholeness as a healthy human-making task
↝ Identify fragments of the psyche as intra-psychic knowledge
↝ Learn the art of self-healing as a tool for empowerment
↝ Develop emotional intelligence as portal to your hidden depth
↝ Track your core vulnerability as gateway to deeper soul
↝ Activate your animal body as a source of your power
↝ Open your consciousness to the dream of the Earth
↝ Cultivate a core sense of self that can hold totality

What is Eros?

Eros is the primordial pulse that moves everything. Somewhere, we lost touch with this pulse. It was shamed, considered dirty and driven deep underground. In doing so, we lost touch with the magic and mystery of the feminine ways.

Lost in the collective unconscious she causes havoc. Addiction, drugs, gambling, un-ensouled sex, she’s the hungry ghost banished to the edge of existence. But re-instated to her earthly place and throne she is the deep wellspring we are all longing for.

It’s our task to descend, to go deep down and bring her up from the underbelly of existence.

Elemental Eros is a revolution from the inside. It’s the deep seeds of awakening to the holy within your bones. It’s laying the foundation for the biggest conversation you can have in this lifetime.

If we want to awaken and live the destiny of our Soul, we have to become enlivened with the essence of Eros. We need to be fully resourced in the whole aspects of our psyche, which are interconnected with the whole and relational web of the natural world. This innate connection to the matrix of life is a deeply erotic affair.

When we come into right relationship with life our Soul dances in rooted reciprocity with Earth and it is this very dance that our Earth is calling out for us to reclaim. Can you hear the call?

“The erotic offers a well of replenishing and provocative force to the woman who does not fear its revelation, nor succumb to the belief that sensation is enough.”

— Audre Lorde, Uses Of The Erotic – The Erotic As Power

The Elemental Eros Methodology

During each session, we’ll re-activate the ancient imprint of the primal and whole feminine Self through conversations with body and land. Then we’ll turn towards the shadow and coax the too-small stories out from underneath.

We’ll remember the ancient imprint of the 4 elements and how they correspond to our innate wisdom, power and wholeness as woman.

We’ll turn towards each direction and invite the mystery of land, body and psyche to reveal to us what we’ve known deep down all along.

This is a journey of embodiment. By taking this journey, your molecular structure will be morphed into the resonance of Earth’s frequency. It’s an opening of doorways into a new world.

We will engage in:

↝ Alchemical Nature Practices
Deep Feminine Movement Meditation
Deep Imagery Journeys
Sacred Speech Council
Shadow Work
Activating Your Animal Body As Source Of Feminine Power
Deep Nature Connection
Creative Writing
Creative Expression
Ceremony * Magic * Ritual

Easily one of the best, most powerful experiences I’ve had”.

— Sophie : Ireland



↠ Online Calls : October 2024 – July 2025 ↞

↠ In-Person Retreat : August 2025 ↞


↝ 28th October 2024 : 5 – 7pm UK


  • Monthly 2hr Mentorship Call 
    A live mentorship call to support the integration of the Elemental Eros Map
  • Weekly 1.5hr Feminine Embodiment Lab 
    The Love Body Lab : Live with Kate Joyner
  • Monthly 1.5hr Nature Council
    Live council where you’ll have an opportunity to share your experiences out in the wild with the Elemental Eros Map
  • Monthly 1hr Heart Alchemy Session
    Live group call
    With Ann-Sofie


For full list of online calls, click here

Weekly Love Body Lab : Online

Every Tuesday, 7.30 – 9pm UK 

Optional 1:1 Mentorship Sessions With Kate

Offered at a reduced rate for course participants

Activations, Meditations , Invitations and Practices

All designed to support the alchemical embodiment of your Feminine Eros

Access to Course Material via Online Platform

A personal log in to all course materials  

A Life-Changing 5-Day Retreat

Oneirema, Crete

23rd – 27th August 2025

Food, accommodation and travel are NOT included in the cost of the course but to be paid separately post enrolment.

Sample Retreat Schedule

    Day 1: Arrival at 2pm
    Retreat begins at 3pm

    Arriving and Orienting:

    ✼ Opening Ceremony
    ✼ Connecting to the Land
    Movement Practice
    Embodiment Session

    Day 2: North & East 

    Morning Practice


    Morning Session:

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery

    ✼  Nature Connection
    Sacred Theatre


    Afternoon Session:

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery
    ✼  Nature Connection
    Sacred Theatre


    Evening Session: 

    ✼  Sacred Theatre
    ✼  Embodiment Rituals

    Day 3: South

    Morning Practice


    Morning Session:

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery

    ✼  Nature Connection
    Sacred Theatre



    Afternoon Session:

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery

    ✼  Nature Connection
    Sacred Theatre


    Evening Session:

    ✼  Sacred Theatre
    ✼  Embodiment Rituals

    Day 4: West & Center
    Morning Practice


    Morning Session:

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery

    ✼  Nature Connection
    Sacred Theatre


    Afternoon Session:

    ✼  Movement
    ✼  Deep Imagery

    ✼  Nature Connection
    Sacred Theatre


    Evening Session: 

    ✼  Sacred Theatre
    ✼  Embodiment Rituals

    Day 5: Incorporation

    ✼  Goodbye to the land
    ✼  Closing Ceremony

    Finish with lunch together

    Leaving at 2pm


    10 Months Online + 5 Day Retreat


    One off Payment : £4800

    Payment Plan : 12 x £400

    *NB – If there is not a time on the calendar that suits, please email me to find a time.
    There are no refunds – please refer to our terms and conditions

    What others are saying.

    Words from past participants of Elemental Eros

    “I learnt to hear the wisdom that lies within my body and how I can create the environment – space and time for myself in a temple place – to be able to tune into my feminine wisdom. 

    I have more self-compassion now and I’ve been given magical tools to practice self love even more. I feel more and more that my mind is aligned with my energy.

    I feel like I can now not only hear my body’s wisdom, but to also trust it and I am excited to keep learning the art of leaning into my feminine knowing”.

    Katha : Germany

    “I can’t believe that we just started. It already feels like a lifetime has passed. I start to feel and behave differently, things are shifting and dropping away.”

    Corinna : Switzerland

    “I have discovered a new level of authenticity. I am determined to lead my life as a reflection of who I am and who I want to be”

    Joanna : Germany

    “Elemental Eros has been a life-changing experience, in which gateways were opened before me, allowing me to listen to my inner voice and embody my truth in a very empowering way.

    Kate brilliantly leads us through this exquisite journey to the feminine mysteries. I feel resourceful in a way I didn’t feel before, and equipped to walk in the world as the sovereign and powerful woman I am.”

    Doris : USA

    “Over the course of Elemental Eros I’ve developed humility and genuine ease in my own being. I’m interacting with people who genuinely love me in a more authentic way.

    Elemental Eros Participant 2022

    “I went down deep into my essence with your guidance so rooted in the feminine. Such a pleasure to listen to your voice guiding me into the underworld, into the complete unknown, so easily. 

    Thank you for your presence, support and guidance. You are amazing at what you do. I didn’t even have to try. You were taking me by the hand, leading me there.

    Into Eros I surrendered completely, feeling safe and home. 

    It was all that I was waiting for, all of my life. Thank you”.

    Eledina : Greece

    “I can hardly express the depths of the experience I have had during this journey with Kate. Her loving guidance is exactly the right medicine to allow the deepest experiences possible for each individual, no matter where one stands on their soul journey.

    Thank you from the depths of my heart”.

    Anja : Germany

    When I look back at where I was when I started Elemental Eros, I’ve just gained so much confidence in who I am as a woman. I feel like I was in an in-between space before, like being a woman wasn’t really for me. I feel like I’ve reclaimed my power and potency. I’ve had the most amazing experiences as a result of this journey.

    Before, I had a real issue with my body. But since enrolling on Elemental Eros, I’ve let myself be naked in front of people. I’ve made love to the land. I’ve been really free in myself. I’ve put myself out there. I’ve done more than I ever thought I could.

    And I can see the path, I can see what I’m being called to and where I need to go next.

    I’ve reclaimed my woman. I’m finally happy to speak my truth.”

    Louise : UK

    “The retreat was a powerful journey of discovery, through territory which is fraught with cultural and personal complexity. The facilitation accounted for this deftly as well as the emergence of the ‘group’. My experience was moving, profound, challenging and welcome.

    Kate is a powerful exemplar and guide for this important and deep work.”

    Rachael : UK

    Down, down, down

    She pulls us

    Drop, drop, drop

    She urge us

    Always guiding

    Always supporting

    Always listening to the whispers of the muse

    An Underworld Goddess

    Made flesh

    To re-initiate us

    Into the Mysteries of Soul

    Ruth : Ireland

    “I feel much more integrated. I feel a strength emanating from my heart. I’ve discovered parts of myself I didn’t know and as a result I have a stronger sense of being and presence. I feel like I’m coming out of myself much more. I have a stronger connection to the medicine within me and feel connected to my feminine gifts as a result.

    One of my biggest challenges is how I manage my sensitivity and now I recognise it as a gift I can work with in whole way. I have a stronger connection with everything in my life. I feel more empowered. ”

    Kyra : UK

    “My voice is clearer, I feel more confident, I am more sure of myself, I no longer have to hide.”

    Candice : USA

    The Process:

    ↝ Schedule a call with Kate Joyner, founder of the Dancing Serpent Mystery School. Together we’ll explore if the journey is right for you. 

    ↝ Choose the payment plan that suits you best.

    ↝ Let the journey commence. Welcome to the community of women awakening to their Feminine Eros. You’ll have access to the members area, where you’ll receive each module of Elemental Eros.


    life instinct, sometimes sexual, that governs acts of self-preservation, that tends towards uninhibited enjoyment of life. Source of creative life force. Love.


    relating to, or resembling a great force of nature. Being the basic constituent of something.


    one of the Jungian Archetypes, signifying the unification of consciousness and unconsciousness in a person, and representing the psyche as a whole.

    Live Call Schedule

    Opening Ceremony

    ↝ 28th October 2024 : 5 – 7pm UK

    Group Mentorship Calls
    with Kate

    Monday : 5 – 7pm UK

    ↝ 4th November
    ↝ 2nd December

    ↝ 6th January
    ↝ 3rd February
    ↝ 3rd March
    ↝ 31st March
    ↝ 28th April
    ↝ 26th May
    ↝ 23rd June

    Nature Council
    with Kate

    Monday : 5 – 6.30pm UK

    ↝ 18th November
    ↝ 16th December

    ↝ 20th January
    ↝ 17th February
    ↝ 17th March
    ↝ 14th April
    ↝ 12th May
    ↝ 9th June
    ↝ 7th July

    The Love Body Lab – Feminine Embodiment with Kate

    Tuesdays : 7.30 – 8.30pm UK

     Every week

    Heart Alchemy Practice with Ann-Sofie

    Monday : 6-7pm UK


    9th December


    13th January

    10th February

    10th March

    7th April

    5th May

    2nd June

    30th June