Unleashing your Feminine

August 5, 2024
Kate Joyner

Unleashing your Feminine Magic

by Kate Joyner


Can you see?

It’s so exciting that after all of these years of excavating your soul and, first of all creating wholeness, dissolving the old identity, then going down the rabbit hole and meeting your soul out there on vision quest, and being in this relationship with your own body, being in your relationship with the earth body, being in relationship with the dream maker and the natural world, and the way that your emotions hold intelligence, and the way that dreaming can keep revealing itself to you, and you’re listening? And you’re not like: “Oh, I just had this vision, and I’m just like, yeah, I want to, you know, to be, you know…”

It’s like, these are rich, deep soul images. The life of your soul is permeating and bubbling and revealing itself to you, and it’s alive and it’s pulsing and it’s magic and it’s real. And when you come to a container like this, and we give you the opportunity to spend five minutes just sharing, what have you been up to since last month? You share THAT. You each share what you’ve been sharing, and maybe you hadn’t even given account, but just the potency of what’s living and vibrating in you!

And then our human task is to let it happen. The bottom-up processes are all what’s coming up from the earth, coming through you, coming through your womb, coming through your heart, coming through the vessel of your body, coming through your nervous system, coming through the leylines of the Earth, through your nervous system, into Revelation, into being. Snd then somewhere up here, we’ve been told that we’re this and we’re that, and we carry all of these archaic wounds and stories and versions of ourselves. And it’s just slowly, slowly over time, that the creature that lives inside of you that holds all of these codes and all of this magic and all of this mystery just becomes who you are.

Who do you become when you say yes to what’s emerging? What do you create? Who do you serve? What do you serve? What do you speak of? Who do you speak for? And and you’re just following a path that has no path, but each piece is a piece that then leads you down this piece and then down this piece, and leads you down this piece, and leads you to this piece… until you’re on stage performing, noticing that the quality of your feminine voice coming through, maybe for the first time, in a way that you haven’t done before. Because you’ve done all of this work for like, two, three years in the background.

To be able to let her out in the quivering fear of your own being, even though you’re quivering, she’s still coming out.

And as you go through this alchemical journey with yourself, how you bring your art to your clients is going to be felt, even if you’re not explicitly making them a pamphlet and saying: “This is how I’m going to love you.” You’re just doing it in a way that brings magic to them. And how is it by going to these wild lands and taking yourself off the plane of what’s known and what’s real, that you are touching into landscapes and intelligence that are informing you, informing of the ways in which your magic wants to move through you.

So I just want to contextualize what’s happening, because it’s not in vain, and I know that we can
maybe potentially diminish it or think that nothing’s happening, or get hard on ourselves, but there’s a lot happening.

There’s a lot happening here.

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