Who are you, under the strategies?

July 29, 2024
Esmeralda Vere


It’s not that we don’t feel fear. It’s like feeling fear and doing it anyway, because the fear is an indicator of where you you need to go. So it’s like, not letting fear stop you, but essentially allowing fear to be there, because fear is a legitimate human emotion if you’re going to take a risk of vulnerability. But how to hold the fears and choose to to open to love, essentially, because it’s like love or fear. You either stay too small out of fear, or you expand into love through the fear.

So when you come into relationship with how the whole assignment is working within your psyche, it’s pretty deep, and then you start taking the risk, they’re going to kick off. But your task is to just keep plugging into wholeness. It’s to listen to them and pay attention and tend… I’ve got this whole body reaction. Everything’s happening. All the voices are coming down. And how do I keep opening and rooting in wholeness so I can do the thing the deep desire of my heart and soul is calling me into which is to live more authentically from the Truth of My Heart? And that means that every defence and every strategy that’s been placed around my heart is going to come in and and tell me that’s not a good idea. But how do I keep trusting my own knowing, rooting in the source of a deeper and wider and bigger love as an embodied experience so I can keep aligning with with what I know is true, which is the largest love of my life, which is what we’ve all come to live?

But that’s the human-making task. So the fact that you’re coming into relationship and seeing it so clearly now, because we’ve gone through this whole cycle of mapping out the psyche, and you can see it so clearly. It doesn’t ever go away, it’s just the more that we traverse the territory, the more we become skilled and artful at meeting our own closures and our own strategies and our own protective mechanisms and finding a pathway to choose something different. But that will always be our work, and the more that we descend on the path of living from heart and embodying soul, the more that we’re going to meet the challenges. I wish it was ending, but it is never ending. The more that we groove that path, the more aligned we become to that path. And then when something pops up, it’s like: “Okay, I can see you. Thank you. Do what you need to do.” And then you keep going.

But at the beginning, it’s like: “Oh, holy smokes. Look at this whole structure, and your whole identity has been based around that.” And it’s like: “That isn’t me.” And then you have to come to know, like, what is the deeper identity of you? Like, who is she who’s connected to your heart? Who is she that’s connected to your soul? And when you come into relationship with her, and you start speaking from her and finding the magic of her, then that knowing becomes so deeply rooted and anchored in you. And then so when these things arise, it’s just part of the path of becoming more aligned with her.

This is spiral one, right? So Spiral Two is like: “Oh, holy smoke. Like, who I thought myself to be isn’t who I am. And there’s a whole other desire of life that lives in the underbelly view that wants to be revealed.” And so Spiral Two is about, who is she, then, who is she on the underneath? Like, who am I on the underneath? What’s my truest desires and longings and essence? And then that’s the journey that we go on, and it’s your soul. Essentially, you know, who are you in your soul. Like, how are you here to live deep love and deep magic in the world? The point that you’ve got to like: “oh my god, I can see the complexity of my psyche and the capacity to plug in and have resources beyond that, and see all of these mechanisms playing out.” This is the preparation for being like: “and this isn’t me.”

And that shedding, that psycho spiritual clearing of the house, getting rid of the old identities. If this year has gone well, like psycho spiritually, you’re being prepared. And psycho spiritually, it might be that you’re ready for this descent into your soul. You’re ready to meet the deeper essence of you. You’re ready to meet who’s on the underneath of all of these strategies.

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