Your Magic and Mystery

January 10, 2024
Kate Joyner

Just a century ago, women didn’t have the right to vote and we were wearing corsets and like, strapped down. So it’s been 5000 years of oppression, and although we’ve gained the right to vote and we have you know, been gaining all of these rights. But they’re rights within a male-conditioned paradigm and it’s a distorted male paradigm. Because this isn’t… what we’re living in isn’t even true masculinity. So we’ve gained rights within that paradigm, but in that we’ve contorted ourselves to fit into this paradigm which is just so not in service to our feminine nature or the feminine nature in all beings.

So this is why I’m passionate about this experiment, is we’re only just scratching the surface of what of what the feminine is and how to come into relationship with her. It’s like your body and your connection to your body and the connection to the earth body is where all of the feminine gnosis resides. So you’re gonna get more used to just like dropping in. And I mean, you probably already have this capacity anyway, but this capacity to drop in, to listen and then to reveal that, to show whatever it is, even if it’s like insecurity or fear or anger or rage or beauty or ecstasy like that.

Whatever you encounter within is the truth of your feminine soul.

And over time, we’re going to landscape that and your identity will shift and who you know yourself to be will shift and your confidence will grow and your capacity to trust. The spiritual wounding is that we’ve lost trust in inner wisdom, because there’s no place for it. And so then we think that we’re crazy, because we see all these things, but it’s like, where do I… Where does this even fit? Well, it fits it fits here.

And we’re going to experiment. So I’m going to be guiding you into the terrain of your soul so that you can I have the revelation. I’m going to be learning from you. You’re going to be like, my greatest teacher because you’re going to be with your soul. And I’m going to lay the conditions for you to go into your own internal world and begin to court the magic and the mystery that’s in there and be able to then weave into this container of creation and then also, hopefully, over time into the wider container of creation because that’s needed.

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