Integrating our Vulnerability

December 20, 2023
Kate Joyner


I mean, what happens is like there’s an initially like, there’s a density. Like we enter in and it’s like, all of the stored emotion that we haven’t ever felt throughout our whole lifetime was like waiting to be felt. And so it’s kind of like we, you know, it takes a minute to jump into that. And then once we’ve cleared enough then what arises is like, you know, we just become a clear channel. So it’s not that rage will never be there again, once you’ve kind of like done enough of clearing up your pain body, because you know, just even just being alive in this moment in time with everything that’s going on globally. Like we are all feeling that through the web, you know, and so, part of your rage could be your personal story, and part of it could be the collective story of this moment in time. I’m personally feeling a lot of rage at the moment in response to what’s happening collectively. And so I know that it’s not a personal rage. It’s very it’s very much a collective rage.

I mean, like I said, I did this practice every day for a year for a year and it was a solid practice of mine. I did it everyday religiously for like a year. And then every, you know, I still used it as a really solid practice for like at least two or three or four years. It is a really potent tool for your kit on this feminine journey. When we do this practice, we’re moving energy. So it’s all going to be about how you feel. And so the more that you meet this place of this child who has never been felt and never been met, and you nurture her, and you love her, then your feeling-tone is going to change but it requires you doing the work of you know, going in and doing this in alchemy. It’s like layered so it’s like, oh, yeah, I’m having these emotions and these feelings and I feel moody and it’s up and down. But when after I’ve done the practice, I feel great and I feel this inner peace. And then over time that inner peace is going to be where you radiate from, rather than stuck emotion that hasn’t had anywhere to be.

Your feminine energy is going to to have more space to move because it’s not backlogged with, like, decades of pain body. Essentially, let yourself feel the one that’s like : “oh my god, I’ve done everything wrong and it’s all my fault and people are getting killed because it’s my fault and I haven’t done what I need to do. I haven’t posted it.” Let yourself feel that level of like, taking on blame, taking on shame, taking on guilt, and then let the mother hold that. That’s a really deep place.

What happens is the way that our patterns work is like over time once we are able to do this work of meeting our emotional landscape, then our patterns become like the core… where we’ve been wounded and maybe you were scapegoated in your family or you were shamed. Yeah. Like it’s all your fault. You’re to blame. Yeah, it’s really painful. It’s really tender. You know, all of our defense mechanisms, as we’re gonna go around, are trying to protect us from this place. That is our core vulnerability.

Because this pain that you’re feeling right now is so excruciating, that we put up all barriers and our protection and our strategies to not feel it so the very fact that you’re feeling it is beautiful in this space, because it allows for that truth and that honesty and that vulnerability to really come to the surface for you to integrate this vulnerability.

Notice that that’s what happens; you get triggered into this, you get spun out, you lose your ground, you believe the things that are happening, you feel like you’re, you know… so this is the shame based identity that our wounded child carried, and everybody has a shame-based identity. It’s slowly slowly as you see this pattern emerging. It’s like, okay, what resource do I need right now? I need my mother, the mother, because when you’re in that space, like you hold that one, you just hold that one. She doesn’t need fixing. She doesn’t need changing, nothing’s going away. You just hold her and as you hold it, that shame-based identity will start to shift because she’ll be receiving love. And this is what happens. This place in us, lives in isolation because we don’t think it’s lovable. But this is exactly the point of like, the entry into the feminine, and you being able to hold this one. Because imagine like you’re giving your feminine magic and someone can see you and goes “I didn’t like that. You’re doing it wrong.” You’re just gonna like, if you’re identified in this one, you’re just gonna crumble. So actually being able to resource in this one. Being able to resource and hold this one is one of the skills that we need to learn how to do to bring our magic through.

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