Meeting from Soul

November 24, 2023
Kate Joyner


When we go on this process of unification, and inner union within ourselves and resourcing, you arrive at knowing the depth of your own love within the essence of your own soul. Then how another person shows up in your life is beyond anything that we can ever comprehend; it’s magic, it’s a mystery.

But when you have that foundation within yourself, it’s like there’s a deep peace. There’s a deep knowing of who you are. There’s a deep alignment with your inner and outer world. Who you are on the inside is deeply expressed on the outside. You have all of this confidence, you’re comfortable in yourself, you’re aligned with your values, aligned with your gifts. You’re like delivering your art and all of that love affair with life that this process opens up for you.

This means that when another arrives on your path that also holds that same frequency, you can show up authentically. You can speak what you need, you can show your vulnerabilities, and you can love fiercely and deeply. Then all of that really creates the conditions for a union that is deep and soulful. That’s where the souls of two beings can really come together. So, when you’re in that place when you’re resourced and you’ve got your foundation, you’re really able to accept another person for where they are instead of like, thinking of the potential, or seeing the potential, and waiting for that potential to actualize. When you’re rooted, relationships can really evolve in real time instead of like a projection of what’s possible, a projection of the future, or based on your own egoic needs. It’s like really meeting the truth of the now, right? The truth of what’s revealing itself, what this wants to become, what the meeting of these two souls awakens and creates together. But what’s possible when you’ve gone through this alchemical journey of union, you’re available for the other person in the truth of the moment.

You know, this is this is what we do on the journeys of Wellspring of the Serpent Heart and Path of the Blazing Deer Heart. We really like, the first couple of years we’re just… The first year we’re essentially laying the foundation, right? We’re coming to know ourselves, we’re coming to know ourselves as rooted, we’re coming to connect to source. We’re really laying this foundation that in itself is life-changing. And then the invitation of the second spiral is that we then descend down to the depths of our soul.

And so the kind of long vision of the School is that the men and the women are going to journey these two years. Separately, they’re going to lay their foundation, they’re going to come to know the depth of their own souls. And then once that process of unification and reclamation has been enacted, then the experiment is going to be how do we come together as masculine and feminine, sky and earth, man and woman from the depths of soul? How do we practice meeting, revealing, embodying, expressing from the depths of soul? This is the proposed experiment of the School that is in formation and creation at the moment. And the invitation for these spirals and these doorways is so that we can arrive, we can meet each other in the depth of connection that we’re all secretly (or not so secretly) yearning for.

Because imagine what a world we’d create if that was possible. I mean, I feel like it would completely shift the paradigm of the world.

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