Trusting the Magic we Carry on the Inside

February 29, 2024
Kate Joyner

Elemental Eros begins on the 18th of March 2024

 If you’re longing to feel this freedom for yourself, book a call with Kate now to explore if this journey is right for you at this time:


The existential longing at the core of each of our souls, just that place, which is to experience the love of the divine in this lifetime, whether we know it or not. Whether we’re conscious of it or not, the existential longing at the core of the soul is to be loved, to be loved, to be with the beloved, to be loved, the belonging, of belonging in love.

And this longing, this core existential longing is what roots us in the meaning of existence itself. So without the experience of love, being loved, then we can feel very uneasy with life, we can feel like there’s a void, there’s an emptiness: what’s the meaning of all this? Why am I here? It can feel very flat, it can feel very devoid of meaning, it can feel very existentially hollow. And maybe you’ve experienced this in your lifetime. Maybe you’re experiencing this right now in your life. That without the experience of being loved, the beloved, the beloved, the belonging in love, that there’s there’s this emptiness, this void, right?

So this is a very existential core human relational soul expression that is totally healthy and totally valid and totally delicious and divine, even, in its nature. Just that what has happened to this existential reckoning is that in our culture, we have become separated from that, from the essence of life itself, from the essence of soul, from this existential calling, and though and we’ve also become disconnected from the mystical realm that connects us to this spiritual yearning, as it were, right?

So, in a culture that doesn’t have any context for this soul yearning, we can become quite lost in actually what this means. But because it’s such a soul-level, human-level, spiritual-level truth, we ourselves can’t become separate from it. But because there’s no context within our culture with it, we can feel quite quite crazy at the lack of contextualization for this right? So because of the lack of contextualization, what happens is we become, it becomes distorted. And when it becomes distorted then we can enter into kind of frequencies and relationships and patterns of relating that are taking us away from really the essence of sacred union.

So, sacred union is what happens when we are unified with the divine with the beloved of our soul. So the sacred union is a process that we go through on and in an internal way and it’s also a process that we go through in relationship. Sacred union is the unification of the masculine and feminine. Sacred union is the unification of our soul and our inner masculine.

So the soul is inherently, kind of like, feminine and the masculine is consciousness, right? So the soul is where we’re kind of emanating love and the masculine is where we’re emanating consciousness, right? So, sacred union is when love and consciousness come together. And so when we have love and consciousness coming together, then we have the conditions for sacred union. If consciousness is just hanging out, and we don’t have love than we have, we can have something that’s quite like logos-driven or something that’s quite head-driven or something that’s quite like, cut off from the head. Kind of just like living in the head experience. And if we have something that’s just Eros-driven, or love-driven, then we’re kind of lost in feeling and we’re just kind of like having this experience and it can be quite chaotic and swimming around and all of those things.

So we need in fact, the the inner unification, the unification of love and consciousness to happen within us so that we can really refine our vessel and create the conditions for this union of masculine and feminine within within our own, our own psyche, our own soul or an expression so we go through this process of kind of like awakening our inner feminine, coming into relationship with our inner feminine coming into relationship with how love wants to be expressed through us. And then we cultivate a consciousness that can be in service to that expression of love, then we become really unified within ourselves, right?

And once we’re in this unification process, once we’ve really have gone through this unification process where there’s not any stopping of ourselves, okay, example is like:

“Oh, my God, I really like that person. But I’m not gonna say anything because I’m too shy.”

Or like:

“I really have this really deep desire, or this really deep longing to do this thing, but I’m not going to do it because I don’t think I could ever do it and I don’t think I’m ever going to be good at it.”

Right so that would be an example. Like, and, you know, I feel like so many times in our life, as women, we can hold ourselves back from our expression of love and it’s quite actually quite painful. We can actually deny ourselves the flow of the desire, what we love or what we’re feeling because somewhere like that, inner masculine principle that consciousness isn’t totally in alignment with our feeling, our expression of love. Right?

So the inner unification process is really kind of like when those two come into union and we are fully unified, meaning that we are just free in our expression free to be free to express free to feel free, free to be imperfect, free to be wonderful, free to be amazing. Freedom to fail, get it wrong, make a mess, be rejected. All of those things. We’re just living life in its freedom. And it’s in its totality because we are completely whole and connected and in full trust of ourselves and in full trust of the magic that we carry on the inside, right?

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