Inner Heart Alchemy

Inner Heart Alchemy

Inner Alchemy by Kate Joyner TRANSCRIPT: But what really struck me, what I feel is the nugget of this piece is that voice of like “I’m not worthy of love.” Because what...
The Love our Souls long for

The Love our Souls long for

The Initiatory Journey of Inner Union by Kate Joyner TRANSCRIPT: The soul really longs to arrive at the temple of the gates of love. Like the most fulfilled destiny or act...
Meeting from Soul

Meeting from Soul

The Great Experiment by Kate Joyner TRANSCRIPT: When we go on this process of unification, and inner union within ourselves and resourcing, you arrive at knowing the depth of your own love...
Embracing Darkness

Embracing Darkness

Darkness in Union by Kate Joyner TRANSCRIPT: One of the things that we need to be able to navigate is we need to be able to navigate the darkness. I’m speaking about this in terms of our own inner...
The Sensual Love Story of Creation

The Sensual Love Story of Creation

The Sensual Love Story of Creation by Kate Joyner TRANSCRIPTION: This connection to the earth Eros through the body and this aliveness that we open to we attune to is,...