Inner Heart Alchemy

Inner Heart Alchemy

Inner Alchemy by Kate Joyner TRANSCRIPT: But what really struck me, what I feel is the nugget of this piece is that voice of like “I’m not worthy of love.” Because what...
The Love our Souls long for

The Love our Souls long for

The Initiatory Journey of Inner Union by Kate Joyner TRANSCRIPT: The soul really longs to arrive at the temple of the gates of love. Like the most fulfilled destiny or act...
Tune into the Erotic Frequency of Earth

Tune into the Erotic Frequency of Earth

The primordial feminine and the primordial masculine are the organic and innate principles of the natural world. To become fully expressed as a feminine-essenced woman or a masculine-essenced man (you carry your essence at the level of Soul), it’s necessary to tap...
Why does Devotional Love matter?

Why does Devotional Love matter?

Living beyond our conditions of love is what opens us up to Devotional Love.  When we can love it all, every piece of our human existence, then we touch the realm of the divine. We each carry a core wound when it comes to how we believe ourselves to be. This wound...