Embodied Expression of Love

March 21, 2024
Esmeralda Vere


What has been revealed to me over the last nine versions of this journey is that this is really a journey of spiritual and relational repair.

So we’re mending the torn fabric. We’re all coming from this wound of separation. This wound of our separation from the web of creation itself, this wound of separation, that we are isolated, that we’re individualistic, and that we live in this very separate reality. When the truth is that we are actually so deeply woven into the web.

So over the course of these next five months, my prayer, and from my experience of guiding the other eight versions of this journey is that you’ll come into an embodied, visceral, embodied, felt-sense, weaving of the fabric yourself to the fabric of life itself. So that you become so embedded that there’s no doubt that you’re ever separate from how this this web is weaving, and manifesting, and expressing, and creating.

And in that place is our deepest Eros and our deepest ecstasy. Just so happens, pretty convenient!

By living into your ecstasy, you get to remember your place within the web, and it’s a deeply magical journey. In this line of separation, we’ve become quite fragmented and there’s ways in which our feminine vessel is kind of cracked, and especially because the template of the feminine has been very brutally, and sometimes violently eradicated, damaged, suppressed, repressed, denied, vilified, shamed, feared. So this is also a journey of resurrecting and reinstating the blueprint of the feminine within your own psyche and within your own soul. And so this hopefully will happen over these next five to six months, however long it is until August.

What I say is we’re forging our vessel, we’re forging our vessels so that we are so tight within our own inter psychic landscape that love can pour in and we can know ourselves to be the embodiment and the expression of love. As a woman, this is our deepest service, and our deepest gift, and our deepest truth.

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