Self-Mothering from Love

March 28, 2024
Kate Joyner


If our own mothers had their own nervous systems attuned to this Divine Mother, like how differently would the mothering that we received have been? Our mothers are human and so, you know, anything’s possible within that experience. But this disconnect from this Divine Mother frequency, or the the disconnect from the Earth Mother, the disconnect from the consciousness of there being something beyond our own kind of egoic human self… then cuts, severs that capacity to transmit and channel and have access and resource to this wider consciousness and expression and frequency of Mother.

So then we get cut off from that in how we receive as children, and that imprint stays within us. But I love what you said, you know, meeting her, she’s like, she has the, you know, she’s got all of the women around her. And this is what’s been severed, and this is what has been cut off from.

When we step into the feminine like, this is the first portal. This is the first doorway is like everything that you’re describing so beautifully and so poetically and the experience you’re having is like without this ground, without this internal resource like fully within ourselves, then we won’t we won’t be able to let go into the other places.

So this is why we start here and it’s so beautiful to receive your experience and to get the transmission and to get that your whole nervous system is having a different experience right now and that’s perfect.

So what we’ll see over the course of this all the survival strategies that we had to adopt, this is happening even now in this moment is like you begin to see oh, I had to, like bring online this way of being in order to survive that was like: okay, I needed to take control, I needed to get shit done, I needed to take the reins, I needed to take control, you know all of the things because there’s no one holding me. But now with this resource of this connection to your feminine frequency that has access to the Divine Mother, you can hold yourself, but it’s from a much different place: from love rather than survival. In essence, that’s what I’m hearing. And so that’s a whole beautiful rewiring because now how deep can your mothering go? How deep can your own self mothering go when it’s coming from love instead of survival?

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