by Kate Joyner | Jan 5, 2023 | Desire, Devotion, Eros, Love
A few months ago, I shared a post about desire and devotion. In there, I wrote that desire without devotion is like a bull in a china shop. As I was re-reading it, the muse whispered to me, ‘speak to them about the china in the shop’. So I’d just like you to imagine...
by Kate Joyner | Oct 25, 2022 | Devotion, Embodiment, Feminine, Love
I’m not going to lie to you. Somedays I get out of bed and I can’t feel Eros. As a teacher of the feminine, I feel embarrassed to say that. But some days, SHE, in me, is buried under the blankets of the unrelenting garbage that my subconscious mind likes to...
by Kate Joyner | Sep 30, 2022 | Desire, Devotion, Eros, Love, Surrender
Even though we are so far removed from the ways from soul, the soul’s primordial design does not go away. The journey to union with the Beloved is the fundamental longing of the human soul. In our disconnect from the natural state of soul, we have literalised the...
by Kate Joyner | May 26, 2022 | Love, Desire, Devotion
Desire wants to burn through our lives like a wildfire. Tearing away the falsities until all that remains is the truth at the core of you. The left hand path of desire is one the highest spiritual callings we can embark on in this lifetime because it asks us to find...