by Kate Joyner | Nov 13, 2023 | Eros, Feminine, Love, Masculine
Darkness in Union by Kate Joyner TRANSCRIPT: One of the things that we need to be able to navigate is we need to be able to navigate the darkness. I’m speaking about this in terms of our own inner...
by Kate Joyner | Aug 11, 2023 | Feminine, Longing, Love, Masculine, Union
The other day on a mentorship call with my women, I said to them: “YOUR SOUL IS IN YOUR SEX.” What I didn’t mean was that you have to be having sex to experience your Soul. But what I did mean was that your Soul reveals herself through your sexuality and...
by Kate Joyner | Jul 26, 2023 | Feminine, Longing, Love, Masculine, Union
The spell of false programming came to destroy the sovereign nature of ALL beings, not just the feminine. We women have endured this to a more noticeable degree, both outside and inside, but men are also at the mercy of this false patriarchal conditioning which has...
by Kate Joyner | Jul 13, 2023 | Devotion, Eros, Feminine, Longing, Love, Masculine, Union
The journeys we offer at Dancing Serpent Mystery School are initiations into resurrecting the Masculine and Feminine poles. In essence, we serve the evolved embodiment of The Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine. We believe that the healing of the Masculine and...
by Kate Joyner | Apr 28, 2023 | Feminine, Love
We live in a world of brokenness. The dominant world order is hinged on fear and fragmentation. Our culture is cracked and in turn we are conditioned into a cracked existence. We are uprooted from the very source of life and as a result we live in a perpetual state of...
by Kate Joyner | Apr 21, 2023 | Feminine, Initiation, Longing
One of the images I repeatedly hear of when working with women is the woman in a cage. It’s quite uncanny how the image repeats itself, an obvious stirring with the collective psyche. I know this place. I lived in this place for many years. I lived the excruciation...