by Kate Joyner | Feb 4, 2022 | Eros, Earth, Love, Magic
Once you’ve found her, you’ll never want to let her go. For once you’ve found her, the true meaning of all of your existence will fall into place and it will all make sense. Then your whole world will be turned upside down because you’ll realise your whole life has...
by Kate Joyner | Jan 19, 2022 | Eroticism, Eros, Love, Magic, Surrender
Sometimes, when I dare utter the words ‘Feminine Eros’ in any of my conversations, I can quite intuitively pick up on a contraction with the field of the collective. To talk about the particular nuances of a woman’s turn on to life creates an archaic repulsion,...
by Kate Joyner | Dec 30, 2021 | Eros, Eroticism, Love, Magic
Why do I work on behalf of the most misrepresented, misunderstood, distorted expression of the human experience? Because I fundamentally believe that the very thing that has been banished to the shadow land is the thing that is going to save our asses. I don’t know if...
by Kate Joyner | Nov 29, 2021 | Eros, Activism, Animism, Earth, Eroticism, Love, Magic
The wild is there. Looking now with frightened and furious eyes as the trees fall, the fires burn, we kill off its kin, wondering when and IF we are going to REMEMBER. If we are to leave any sort of inheritance for our grandchildren, we have to recall from the deep...
by Kate Joyner | Nov 23, 2021 | Eros, Activism, Animism, Earth, Eroticism, Love, Magic
In response to the times we find ourselves in, I have made up my mind. Please do not try and convince me otherwise, I’m afraid it’s too late. If you want to find me, please DO NOT knock at my door, I won’t be in. Instead I’ll be hanging at the edge of the forest,...
by Kate Joyner | Nov 18, 2021 | Eros, Activism, Animism, Earth, Eroticism, Love, Magic
One of the great losses of our current non-culture is the severe disconnect from the other world in our psyches. The loss of consciousness, which expands out to embrace the totality of life’s design, means we have lost the ways of courtship with the other...