Elemental Eros

August 8, 2022
Kate Joyner

Elemental Eros is like an opening of a way into the mythical conversation of your life, the way you can come to know the deep meaning and destiny of your life and how you are called to serve in times such as these ones.

In the 1st year, we create the foundations of your psyche that will support you to see the world in a whole new way. To step out from the old paradigm and begin to create a new one by your very way of being. We will step out of the trauma-fear paradigm into the love-connection paradigm by tending the frequency of EROS in your very own body.

Elemental Eros is a journey of remembrance. We will expand the doors of perception and bring into focus not your own story but how your very existence meets and embraces the cosmos. We will learn to listen and track the dream of the earth, through your dreams, deep imagery, conversations with the more than human and we will begin to weave the foundations of cultivating a Self that is ready to fall into the conversation with Soul.

If we want to live the life of our Soul then we have to be fully resourced, we have to know how to self-heal those fragmented parts that want to keep us safe.

During the journey of Elemental Eros we cultivate a newfound safety that is connected to the loving core at the centre of you. The one that allows us to extend out to the largest love affair we can conjure in this lifetime.

We open ourselves to the multidimensional experience of love, from self to other, to earth and to the great mystery. We cultivate a love that is deep, mythical, mystical and true.  This is the good work we do in Spiral 1. 

Will you join this life changing journey to the depths? 


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