Sourcing in the Eros of your Essence

May 14, 2024
Kate Joyner

Sourcing in the Eros of your Essence

by Kate Joyner


Women have many different menopause experiences. I know many women who: there’s like a third that experience reduced libido, and a third that experience heightened libido. You know, there’s all different kinds of variations. I haven’t been through the menopause so I can’t teach from that experience, but I have a lot of women around me who have been through it. And I think it’s very varied. And you might need to use different things, you know, hormones and all of that, but it’s: you’re not done because you’re going through menopause, in any way.

My feeling is like the more that you come down into your essence and are in the world from that place, the more that you’re just sort of like really touching the natural and the Eros and this is what you’re doing, this is the journey right? Where everything that you just said, it felt like you know, that was a really true longing: “I want to have my sexuality that is true to my essence. I want to know how the divine has intended for me to experience this” right? So in order for that to happen, in order to come down to our essence, in order for the divine to… for you to come into alignment with the divine it is this clearing out of the body and the psyche has to happen so that you can meet yourself. You can see yourself, you can feel yourself in the truest essence of who you are. And when you’re in that place or when you’ve touched that place or when you come to that place, it doesn’t matter if you’re in menopause, or if you’re 20, or you’re… It doesn’t matter if you’re like on the floor crying, or all of those things, because you’re coming from a deeper place.

So what is happening to you right now it isn’t devoid of your essence, what you’re going through right now is the journey towards your essence. What you’re meeting what you’re unearthing, we have to meet these places in order to arrive there. And it’s the clearing out of your body and your psyche that’s going to allow for you to come to the place that you’re deeply longing for.

Everything that you feel everything that arises even the deep grief, even when it’s like, you’re falling out of the front, of the side, of the up, and the down. Can you just be present with yourself in those moments? Can you just be like: “Yeah I’m crying and grieving all of this out right now.” -? There’s nothing wrong with you. Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with you crying for an hour at nine o’clock in the morning. That’s fucking great. Do you know how many people don’t cry their whole lives and then go to the grave with so much grief, unmetabolized and unfelt?

And the more that we are in acceptance of who we are and what’s happening with us, the more quickly it moves. And you know, resourcing can be really simple. To not put that pressure on you: “I’ve got to do this” is like… how are you making a tea? Sitting out in the yard, hearing the birds? Letting yourself sink into that place of like, I’m held by the earth, the sky is wrapping his blanket around me. Just like letting yourself feel that, and then you can go out and get on with your day. And then you might feel a wave of grief. You might feel a wave of shame. And then you just keep coming back. All of this is happening around you but there is a part that is intact within the core of your psyche that is your self-aware ego, that is the centre. That is like the golden thread that lives at the core of you that can observe what’s happening, right? It can be like: “I’m on the floor. This is intense.” And from that observation, can you just love what’s happening? Rather than judging it? Or making it wrong? You know, notice the spinning happening but then be like, okay, and right now I can come back.


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