Holy Darkness

Holy Darkness

One of the great curses of our modern times is that we’ve forgotten the holiness of the dark places. The dark receives a lot of negative projection. We literally lock the doors to keep the dark out. Yet the dark occupies half of our existence. On the physical plane...
God of Love

God of Love

As some of you are aware, I have been called by Earth’s aching heartbeat to transmit her frequency.  Over many moons, my depth exploration has revealed to me the true nature of Eros and it has been deep work to arrive at a place of complete shameless ownership of my...
Living Ecstasy

Living Ecstasy

I feel one of the greatest human tragedies of our times is that we have forgotten our names. Not the names given to us at birth but the name given to us by Earth.  One of the greatest challenges of our times is to come back into an ecological consciousness where...
Darkness to the Light

Darkness to the Light

Once you’ve found her, you’ll never want to let her go.  For once you’ve found her, the true meaning of all of your existence will fall into place and it will all make sense.  Then your whole world will be turned upside down because you’ll realise your whole life has...