by Kate Joyner | Oct 24, 2023 | Longing, Love, Union
Inner Union and Sacred Union by Kate Joyner...
by Kate Joyner | Sep 25, 2023 | Earth, Love, Magic, Union
The primordial feminine and the primordial masculine are the organic and innate principles of the natural world. To become fully expressed as a feminine-essenced woman or a masculine-essenced man (you carry your essence at the level of Soul), it’s necessary to tap...
by Kate Joyner | Sep 13, 2023 | Devotion, Love, Magic, Union
Living beyond our conditions of love is what opens us up to Devotional Love. When we can love it all, every piece of our human existence, then we touch the realm of the divine. We each carry a core wound when it comes to how we believe ourselves to be. This wound...
by Kate Joyner | Aug 24, 2023 | Awakening to Lead, Awakening to Love, Devotion, Love
“It’s the experience of being in connection that fulfils the longing we have to feel fully alive. An impaired capacity for connection to self and others, and the ensuing diminished aliveness, are the hidden dimensions that underlie most psychological and many...
by Kate Joyner | Aug 17, 2023 | Awakening to Lead, Awakening to Love, Devotion, Love
I’ve just made a video for you to get a little glimpse into the realm of the new journeys. In essence, Wellspring of the Serpent Heart and Path of The Blazing Deer Heart are here to awaken and return you to the embodiment of your Masculine and Feminine Essence. The...
by Kate Joyner | Aug 11, 2023 | Feminine, Longing, Love, Masculine, Union
The other day on a mentorship call with my women, I said to them: “YOUR SOUL IS IN YOUR SEX.” What I didn’t mean was that you have to be having sex to experience your Soul. But what I did mean was that your Soul reveals herself through your sexuality and...