Welcoming the Exiled God

Welcoming the Exiled God

Eros, the wild primal beast of passion and flame, comes to us from the wild unknown like a horse (or maybe Eros is better likened to a stallion, or even a bull in a china shop.) Our lack of understanding creates somewhat of a troublesome guest of this exiled God, and...
Elemental Eros

Elemental Eros

Elemental Eros is like an opening of a way into the mythical conversation of your life, the way you can come to know the deep meaning and destiny of your life and how you are called to serve in times such as these ones. In the 1st year, we create the foundations of...
The Gaze of Love from a Beggar Woman

The Gaze of Love from a Beggar Woman

The most profoundly present moment of love I perhaps have experienced to this date was with a beggar woman on the streets of Barcelona. An encounter that will stay with me for the rest of my days, because those moments of touching love go deep into the soul. I...
Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression

Time and time again I hear women speaking their longing to find freedom of expression. I know this longing. It was also mine. This longing runs deep within the feminine soul, a longing to let loose the eternal voice we carry on the inside, releasing ourselves at long...
Engineering the Mystery

Engineering the Mystery

My partner is an engineer. I’m a mystic. In the brilliance of his mind I see his capacity to work out the mechanics of the world of the tangible. (Without his brilliance I don’t know if I’d survive in the physical)l. He’s a genius at making with the beauty of his...
Living Ecstasy

Living Ecstasy

I feel one of the greatest human tragedies of our times is that we have forgotten our names. Not the names given to us at birth but the name given to us by Earth.  One of the greatest challenges of our times is to come back into an ecological consciousness where...